Please contact your agent if you have any question. this termination of buisiness will not affect your outstanding liabilities of your taxes, wages, withholdings, insurance, etc. payments paid through our account.
2825 Temple Avenue, Signal Hill
California 90755, United States
Give us a call at (562) 337-8444 Sandra Flores
Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Garment Industry Insurance Group is one of the leading providers of low-cost pay-as-you-go workers compensation insurance in California. We understand the issues and rising costs being faced by today's business owner in every industry. With the knowledge and extensive experience working with manufacturing, food and service industry, GIIG has been able to customize workers compensation insurance, payroll and HR packages which fit the needs and costs today's competitive environment.
California business owners are facing some of the toughest laws in the nation. The Economic and Employment Enforcement Coalition (EEEC) routinely targets businesses across the State. The EEEC, amongst other labor law violations, will issue citations to any business owners who do not have workers compensation insurance. Such citations can cost a manufacturer thousands of dollars and other possible legal ramifications.
Don't wait until an inspection or audit. Contact GIIG today to find out what we can do for you.
Our Services
We help you with: Garment registration, health license, IRS clearance, city license, new corporation setup, federal & state employment issues, DLSE, USDOL, CA/OSHA, ADA, ACA issues.
We guarantee the lowest rates on: Worker's compensation insurance, General liability, health, auto and other insurance. We also provide: Labor Compliant, Payroll Processing
We prepare your business and personal Income Tax to make sure you are safe and protected from getting unwanted attention. Our Goal is to Protect Your Assets.
Just in case an employer gets into a legal tangle, we have an association with local attorney firms that are also our customers and will offer the most competitive rates and discounts.
Let us custom develop your company software to provide you the benefits of staff reduction, decreased staff dependency, less liability, more streamlined automation, increased accuracy, increased throughput, and increased profitability!
We have access to over 400 local garment contractors and just in case you need more production capacity at a very competitive price, we can help you with offshore mass production facilities in South East Asia and Mexico.
Jay Shen
General Director
About Us
We inspire businesses to succeed by helping them stay on the right track, educating them to be regulatory compliant, and getting them to become accustomed to paying their fair share of taxes.
Why? Peace of Mind is Priceless!
We offer more services than a typical CPA firm, insurance agency, paralegal firm and business consultant combined! ....and our fees are surprisingly low and reasonable.
Our senior members Juan Camarena, Elizabeth Cortez, Jose Robledo, Jay Shen, Claudia Chavez, Sandra Flores and some of our 14 other supporting staff have over 20+ years of experience in helping over 7,000 local businesses since September 1993.
We are an extension of your staff. We take the responsibility and liability of maintaining licenses, paying taxes, processing payroll, managing human resource and addressing other government matters off your shoulders. You won't see any fancy website here, but you will see that we keep our promises.
Call us now for a quote!
Client Testimonials
"...Thanks to GIIG who saved my business from complete devastation by a $160,000 back wage claim. GIIG was always by my side through out the entire episode, and helped me reduced and settled this case for $5,000..."
"...if it had not been GIIG, I would have quit my business a long time ago. Thanks to GIIG for lowering my workers compensation insurance cost, and helped re-structured my company to operate within the legal confines..."
"...when my company was facing a $45,000 wage claim from the US Department of Labor, GIIG defended me, organized my accounting mess and negotiated a settlement of $4,500..."
We love to see our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
2825 Temple Avenue, Signal Hill
California 90755, United States
Give us a call today
Phone: (562) 337-8444
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Agent Phone Support is 24 7 365
CA License # 0B64278
Garment Industry Insurance Group (GIIG,, we, us) observes and implements accessibility and usability of its web presence and physical facility. Garment Industry Insurance Group has adopted an accessibility policy to support its commitment to the customers with disabilities to have a full and equal opportunity to benefit from the services we offer. We are committed to accommodate individuals with disabilities and ensure they are not excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently.
Our office building has ADA compliant entrance ramp and bathrooms on the first floor. We have a meeting area at the front entrance to allow our customers to be served by staff members who are working on the 2nd floor. In our continued effort to improve the accessibility of our online services, Garment Industry Insurance Group is committed to implement over time as many features as recommended according to the guidelines of WCAG 2.0 AA as our accessibility standard.
2825 Temple Avenue, Signal Hill
California 90755, United States
Phone: (562) 337-8444
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Agent Phone Support is 24 7 365
CA License # 0B64278
All Rights Reserved | Garment Industry Insurance Group